The CrossCare-initiative promotes and accelerates healthcare innovations and actively supports them. This project contributes to the evolution and implementation of new healthcare solutions (products, services, concepts) through a dedicated care trial garden environment. It also has a fund that can financially support healthcare innovation projects. CrossCare opens the door to realising healthcare innovations on a larger scale. As a cross-border initiative of Interreg Flanders-Netherlands it offers both practical and financial support. With eight care living labs in both Flanders and the Netherlands, CrossCare offers end users the opportunity to test and further develop care innovations.
CrossCare's first successful project (2016-2021) saw Flemish and Dutch care living labs support 30 care innovations. On 17 May 2023, Interreg Flanders-Netherlands approved the next phase, 'CrossCare 2.0'. This follow-up project will continue working over the next three years to facilitate the development and implementation of innovations in the care and welfare sector.
Companies and healthcare organisations developing innovative solutions can receive financial help from the 'CrossCare Innovation Fund', up to €100,000 per organisation. In addition, the care trial gardens, along both sides of the border, also support the selected organisations through the demonstrating, testing and evaluating innovations with end users. Those care trial gardens are specialising in co-creation and testing in real-life situations with healthcare users and professionals, and offer their expertise free of charge in this project.