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5 reasons why Hedwige chooses the myBlanket wheelchair blanket

Launching a new product, so done? Surely not! There is a lot involved. Especially a lot of user testing. We also had our newest wheelchair rain cover, our myBlanket, tested extensively. One of our testers is Hedwige, a sporty powerwoman who rolls through life in an electric wheelchair. Hedwige knows what she values [...]

My Add On is going for a second WinWin loan due to success!

SOMETHING FOR YOU? Support My Add On and earn extra savings yourself! We offer you a total percentage of up to 4.25%. Compared to just 0.11% in the average bank, that's not bad ;). Risk you say? Not too bad, you get a guarantee of no less than 40% from the government. And of course, we put our [...]

Today is world ALS day

World ALS Day. Known to many by the ice-bucket challenge. when asked the question of what exactly ALS means, there are many who, however, cannot answer this question, or cannot answer it properly. What does ALS actually mean? ALS stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. ALS is a progressive degeneration of the motor nerve cells in the [...]

Never sore arms again with the MyGelbow for crutches

We had our latest product, the MyGelbow, tested by some frequent users of crutches. Read along to see what they think of it! What is the myGelbow? But what exactly is the MyGelbow? The MyGelbow for crutches is a gel patch that attaches easily to the armrest of the crutch. The patch reduces friction with the arm and [...]
