Beazley Designs of the Year
A design awards organisation that annually highlights the best designs in the world. This week, the nominations for the "Beazley Designs of the Year" were announced. We secretly knew before then, and so were present at the opening at the London Design Museum (jawadde-dadde).
First time at London Design Museum On Tuesday, I took the Eurostar towards London St. Pancras. After an Underground, a bus and some walking, I arrived at the London Design Museum. Waaw! What a beautiful museum, completely updated with the most current themes: sustainability, the abundance of plastic waste, inclusion, and so much more.

Unveiling and exhibition of nominations 2019 In the Products category: (our category!!) We saw a lot of interesting things, such as sustainable materials, kind of earth pellets to purify water, very impressive: a compostable pregnancy sprinkler, a wearable breast pump by Elvie, and much more. What a huge honour that our MySleeve can be part of this!

-Security guard: Mme, you can't touch those.
- Marie: No problem, they're mine, I want everyone to touch them.
-Security guard: We were not informed of that. You're going to have to let go of them mme... now!So yeah, on the picture: rebel me, still touching my own products - da's dare he! 😉
In the category. Tech products and A.I., such as gender-neutral voice and A.I. recognition for different flowers.

In the category Transport: including drones, 3D printed motorbikes, and cute thank-you-with-a-laugh gloves:
In the category fashion:

In the categories graphic work and architecture:

So, a very nice set-up at the London Design Museum, we are incredibly proud to be among these TOP designs! The award ceremony is in November, exciting!