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Today we put guide dogs in the spotlight

29 April 2020
guide dog

"WOEF" International guide dog day
This special day was created by the UK charity: The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association.

To gain some more insight into the world of guide dogs, I had a quick phone call with community member Anneke Vanheusden, she has a service dog herself and could tell me a lot about it. To her, her dog means something indescribable. It is her friend through thick and thin, he offers her help, security, love, loyalty and so much more... Therefore, they definitely deserve a thank you for all their hard work and that is exactly what we are doing on this day!

Looking for one of those loyal four-legged friends?
I can hear you thinking: where on earth can I find such a service dog? Anneke told me that she got her dog from top organisation Hachiko. Besides Hachiko, there are quite a few other different attested schools in Belgium that train dogs to become assistance dogs and then find owners for them. These schools have received their official attestation from the Cell Authorisation Assistance Dogs.

Like Anneke, would you like a service dog and want to know which schools in Belgium offer one?

Click here to get an overview of all attested schools.


cap action assistance dogs

The cap action is an initiative founded by the Belgian Guide Dog Centre (BCG) in Tongeren. You can find collection points all over Belgium to drop off your caps. These are then sold to a plastic processing company to be made into pallets, the proceeds from this are then used to fund the training of the dogs. So good for the environment too! I am already saving caps!

Want to do your bit (or rather caps)? Via this link find the collection point near you!

P.S: I'd definitely like to thank Anneke Vanheusden again for the phone call, to give me some guidance in the world of guide dogs!


This article was written by:
Anke Wyffels
Community builder My Add On
Marketing trainee

Sources: http://www.dopjesactie.be/index.php/nl/https://dogzine.nl/nl/nieuwsartikelen/internationale-dag-van-de-geleidehond https://www.guidedogsqld.com.au/event/international-guide-dog-day/ https://geattesteerdeassistentiehond.wordpress.com/gemachtigde-scholen/

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