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Today is world ALS day

21 June 2021

World ALS Day. Known to many by the ice-bucket challenge. when asked what exactly ALS entails, there are many who, however, cannot answer this question, or cannot answer it properly.

What does ALS really mean?

ALS stands for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. ALS is a progressive degeneration of motor nerve cells in the brain stem and spinal cord. These motor nerve cells control muscles through stimuli sent from the brain. Because these stimuli are not transmitted properly, the muscles start not functioning correctly or even stop functioning altogether.

What does the ALS league do?

The ALS League collects funds. They use these funds for various actions. Thus, they have 4 pillars where you can make your contribution. This way, you can be sure they will do what you have in mind with your donation.

What actions is the like league taking?

The ALS League works on the basis of four pillars:

How can I do my bit?

You can choose to support one (or more) of these pillars, so quickly click through on the image below and choose the pillar(s) you want to support!

This article was written by: Nathan Meulenyzer Community builder My Add On Intern Marketing

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