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My Add On is going for a second WinWin loan due to success!

2 September 2021


Support My Add On and earn extra savings yourself! We offer you a total percentage of up to 4,25%. Compared to just 0.11% on the average bank, that's not bad ;). Risk you say? Not too bad, you get a guarantee of no less than 40% from the government. And of course, we are pushing ourselves very hard to fulfil our ambitions!

So, are you in?


  • You must be domiciled in the Flemish Region
  • You can invest as little as 2,000 to 75,000 euros
  • a WinWin loan is a subordinated loan


A WinWin loan is a loan you make as an individual to a company you really believe in and want to support. And as the word itself says, it's both a win for you and a win for My Add On. Here's the thing:

  • Win 1: Annual interest between 1,3% and 1,75% to be determined by mutual agreement at the start of the loan.
  • Win 2: Annual tax credit of 2.5% on the outstanding capital
  • Win 3: Flexible term between five and up to 10 years. It's up to you how long you wish to enjoy the above benefits.
  • Win 4: As much as 40% of the loan is guaranteed by the Flemish Government.

This type of investment thus offers an annual gross return between 3,8% up to 4,25%. If you know that the classic big banks barely give positive interest on your savings account these days, the 'wins' for you are already clear. Of course, investing remains a risk, but know that the Flemish government reduces the risk for you by 40% of the loan to be secured.




Our plan is simple: start from concrete user problems, develop a practical and beautiful solution for them, and bring it into production. For that last part, we need your help: because to keep up our pace of development and growth, we need money.

This is why, with My Add On, we are also opting for an external search for funding in 2021 to €30,000 to be raised through various WinWin loans. You will join in, won't you? You can invest in My Add On from from 2,000 euros!

Also in 2021? Yep, last year we already launched a very successful capital round: the targeted 50,000 euros ended up being no less than 100,000. With which we achieved the following:

  • A new production run of the MyBedMaker
  • Production and launch of the MyGelbow
  • Production and launch of the MyRollerSleeve & MyVeloGrips
  • Development and initial prototyping of the MyCover
  • The recruitment of two new sales colleagues, Jelle and Rik, who have joined our team since July 2021.

What about the pennies from the second WinWin loan? Well, we have the following plans for that:

  • Production and launch of MyBlanket, an innovative blanket for wheelchair users
  • Production and launch of two new products specifically for wheelchair users
  • Expansion to Netherlands and Germany

Will you help make our 20x20x20 ambition a reality?

Want to know more about winwin loans? Then find all the necessary information here.


My Add On in a nutshell

  • Four years active
  • Developed the MySleeve, a practical and trendy cover for crutch handles that relieves hand pain, among other things.
  • Laureate of multiple design and innovation awards (MySleeve)
  • Available in over 200 shops in Belgium
  • International sales already in eight European countries: France, the Netherlands, Spain, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Iceland.
  • Three employees: First employee hired in 2020, joined by two new salespeople in 2021.
  • A first takeover arrived in October 2020, bringing a second product to the market: the MyBedMaker (link to webshop), a handy tool for making your bed.
  • Five new products developed in-house are currently on the market
  • The development of the next four products is already in full swing
  • Looking for in total €30,000 in the form of WinWin loans to bring two of these new developments into production as well.



Our future vision and mission is to live in a society of inclusion and empowerment. With My Add On, we are developing tools that not only practical are, but also trendy eyes. Because everyone has a right to beautiful design.


Hear here What experts and users themselves say about our first product, the MySleeve.



As you could read in our summary, My Add On is doing extremely well. But standing still is going backwards. Ideally, we would like to grow even more and faster, to achieve our mission: an accessible society where inclusion and empowerment are central.
To achieve that mission, we are aiming for a '20x20x20′- ambition for the next five years:

  • 20 marketing innovative products
  • at 20 countries
  • with a 20-strong team



Marie (28) is our founder & improver. She obtained her Master's degree in Industrial Design and is an entrepreneur at heart. Immediately after her studies, she founded My Add On and is the driving force behind all My Add On's realisations to date.

Jesse (23) is living proof that choosing a good internship is the way to success: his highly appreciated internship at My Add On - as part of his Bachelor Industrial Product Design studies - has since earned him a full-time job as a designer at My Add On. Together with Marie, Jesse thinks about user problems and develops innovative solutions.

Rik and Jelle are My Add On's most recent recruits and will form our tireless sales tandem.

Managing sits Rik (28) has been in his blood since childhood. After more than four years as leader of the Sint-Rochus Scouts in Halle, Rik earned his stripes as Sales, Office, Branch and even Brand Operations manager at Activate Belgium. On top of that, he also acted as Program Manager F2F at Oxfam. Rik joined us as Sales Manager in July.

Jelle (31), like Jesse, has tasted industrial product design studies extensively, but also has nine years as an editor and test rider under his belt (Dobbit, P-Magazine, Motorcycles & Tourism, Motorcyclist and KicXstart Magazine). Jelle wants to use his networking and people skills to get everyone on board the My Add On train. He will be working as a Sales Representative.

Convinced? Then send us an email with "Interested win win" and we will contact you!

Marie Van den Broeck
Founder & CEO My Add On

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