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Easily explore cities by wheelchair!

9 July 2019


app that makes city visits by wheelchair easy. Great idea to test out in the coming summer months!

On Wheels indicates how accessible the buildings are. So you immediately know what to expect! In other words, you can decide in advance where your trip will go.

what to do?

  • Enter the dimensions of your wheelchair.
  • Enter which thresholds you can take.
  • A wide range of accessible cafes, museums, toilets, shops, car parks and pharmacies are shown.

Planning a day trip has become much easier. Frustrations such as a door being too narrow are a thing of the past. You can now see in advance where you can easily get in! The app currently works in the following cities:

  • Ghent
  • Antwerp
  • Bruges
  • Courtrai
  • Hasselt
  • Brasschaat
  • Tienen

Make a contribution yourself?
Feel like adding accessible places? Then be sure to take a look on the app at 'Add location'.

Test it out NOW! >> Download the OnWheels app for Android or IOS devices and tell us what you think!

  • Download for Android
  • Download for IOS (iPhone)

Be sure to let us know which trips you have already done with the app. That way, we can pass along tips on cosy and accessible places for everyone in the future!

This article was written by:
Nathan Meulenyzer
Community builder My Add On
Marketing trainee

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